Personnel de l'université

Martine AMIOT

DR1 CNRS, Co-Directeur Equipe 10 Inserm UMR892 CNRS 6299, Centre de recherche en Cancérologie et Immunologie Nantes/Angers


INSERM UMR1232 CNRS ERL 6001 eq 10

Bureau 406 Institut de Recherche en santé de l'Université de Nan
Site internet
8, quai Moncousu 44007 Nantes

Thèmes de recherche

Ciblage de la voie BCL2 dans deux cancers hématologiques agressifs le myélome multiple et le lymphome à cellules du manteau.

Activités / CV

Dr Martine Amiot obtained her PhD degree in 1986 from the University of Compiègne (France) for her work on the characterization of CD1 molecules on normal and leukemic T cells in the Hospital St Louis, Paris.  In 1988, she obtained a position of junior researcher at the CNRS in the unit headed by the Pr L Degos.

She did a postdoctoral fellowship (1988-1991) at the Massachusetts General Hospital in the department of Molecular Biology, Harvard Medical School. During this period, she (i) identified the minimal region of the T cell receptor zeta chain able to induce cytolysis (ii) isolated and characterized different cDNA clones encoding CD44, CD53, CD48 using the COS system of expression.

In 1993, she joined the U463 Inserm Unit in Nantes, she participated to the creation of the team specialized on the physiopathology of multiple myeloma. In 1998, she obtained the position of director of research CNRS and became head of the Team 10 UMR892 CNRS 6299 until 2016. She currently studied the impact of Bcl-2 family proteins in the heterogeneity, the progression and the chemoresistance of multiple myeloma in the Team 10 UMR1232 CNRS ERL6001. She contributed to establish BCL-2 members as therapeutic targets in myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma and she participated in the translational research and design of innovative clinical trials. She actively participates to the formation of young scientific researchers through the direction of 13 PhD thesis.

Informations complémentaires
Mis à jour le 28 mai 2024.