Academic Programme

Medicine 4R: Repair, Replace, Regenerate, Reprogramme - Master Level

Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


Objectives: Training in research and development of health products for 4R medicine (Repair, Replace, Regenerate, Reprogram) Read more

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General information

- Entry: September 2024 (Master 1 or Master 2)
- Duration: 1 or 2 years
- Place: Nantes
- Langue: English and French



Chondrocytes en 3D The GP M4R (Repair, Replace, Regenerate, Reprogram) is an international training programme that enables students to study new therapeutic approaches in Medicine 4R.
These approaches are dedicated to replacement, repair, regeneration and reprogramming in order to restore the functions of cells, tissues or organs. These approaches include regenerative medicine (tissue engineering treatment, cell therapy and gene therapy), biotechnology (biomedicines) and medical devices.
This GP is interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary, combining cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, biomaterials science, chemistry, physics and galenics.


Why joining the Graduate Programme 4R, Repair, Replace, Regenerate, Reprogramme?

Our Graduate Programmes rely on student trainings through basic and translational research.

GP M4R scientific areas:

Development, regulation, study and investigation tools:
  • Innovative therapy treatments opening up prospects for regenerative medicine: cell therapy, tissue engineering (biomaterials, bioprinting strategies), gene therapy
  • Biodrugs (recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies)
  • Medical Devices (MDs)


Entry requirement

Academic requirement

  • A validated Bachelor's degree (or diploma in the process of validation) in Life Sciences or Chemistry (with knowledge in Biology) with a very satisfactory average.
  • Good disciplinary knowledge (Cellular Biology, Molecular Biology and/or Biochemistry and/or physical-chemistry) as well as basic scientific skills.
  • Good disciplinary knowledge of Bachelor’s degree in Cellular Biology and Molecular Biology concerning the expression of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes

Language requirement:

Students must have the ability to write, read documents and communicate in English


Application procedure

Selection: file examination

Application procedure for the 2023-2024 academic year

For students who do not live in France and do not have French nationality:
  • Countries that are part of the Campus France procedure, please note that the inscription will be opened from 1st October to 31st December of the year before the entry year. (Ex: Inscription period from 01/10/2023 to 31/01/2024 for the entry date on 01/09/2024). For more information please access to these links: or Nantes Université – CEF procedure
  • Countries that do not use the Campus France procedure (including EU countries), please follow our VAEE procedure.

For students who have French nationality or resident in France, please follow Candidature en Master


First year of Master

What's next?

Level of education obtained after completion


Competencies acquired

  • To conduct research and analysis of bibliographic and technological resources in M4R field
  • To design a research project in M4R field
  • To develop an experiment in M4R field
  • To analyse complex scientific data
  • To promotre results and scientific production (To communicating in science in writing and orally and to learn to write an article in English)
  • To understand the clinical investigation methods for innovative therapy products

Career opportunities

Further studies

After graduating with the 2-year Master's degree, opportunities to pursue the GP M4R, PhD programme will be offered.

Mis à jour le 24 May 2024.