Academic Programme

Man-imal One Health Master's Degree - From animal to man: Analysing and managing health and food risks

Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


To cope with new issues on Public Health and Food Safety, this innovative graduate programme based on the ‘‘One World, One Health’’ concept and promoted by the WHO, FAO and OIE, trains executives to new job profiles. Read more

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Man-Imal, which was created in 2012, is an IDEFI Laureat programme (Initiatives for Excellence in Innovative Training). It is supported by the French government via the National Research Agency.

The Man-Imal Master’s "From Animal to Man: Analysing and Managing Health and Food Risks" is a post-graduate degree programme.
It is an additional and complementary degree whose objective is to offer Doctors,  Pharmacists, Veterinarians, Scientists, Food-Processing Engineers students technical training, as well as to offer professionals advanced skills in public health issues.

Engineered by a pedagogical team of research professors from a variety of disciplines (agronomy, medicine, veterinary studies, biology, pharmacy, law, economics), and numerous professionals from the same fields, the programme benefits from the support of each partner’s research units.

The curriculum strongly emphasises the pedagogical use of ICTE* allowing for maximum, individual progression within the programme and the learning processes. Due to the international focus of Man-Imal, all courses are taught in English and students, as well as professors, from all over the world are welcome.

As such, the programme offers a rich exchange amongst different cultures and an international perspective on public health topics.

*Information and Communication Technology in Education.


Why Man-Imal ?

Because in a globalised, industrialised society with an increasing number of stakeholders and regulations, production chains are becoming more and more complex.
Based on the ‘‘One World, One Health’’ concept, the man-imal programme seeks to answer these changes thanks to a global and cross-disciplinary approach integrating.To cope with these new issues on Public Health and Food Safety, the Master’s degree ‘‘From Animal to Man: Analysing and Managing Health and Food Risks’’ trains executives to new job profiles.


Programme Leader(s)


The academic year is divided into two semesters:

The students will take courses in the five main teaching units:

  • Epidemiology
  • Health Organisation and Policies, Management and Communication
  • Production Chains
  • Biological and Chemical Risks
  • Risk and Nutritional Contamination/Transfers

The first semester is dedicated to acquiring theoretical knowledge, tools and methods. Cross-disciplinary courses are provided to develop:

  • The ability to work as a multidisciplinary team
  • Skills to identify the complementary partners required for case solving

The second semester is entirely focused on the student's internship in a professional environment. The student will have to write a thesis based on the internship. The results of his work will be exposed in a thesis defense in front of the internship tutor and the tutoring teachers. The internship must last 5 months. It may be completed abroad as well as in France.

During the second semester, students do an internship, whose subject is directly related to the man-imal themes, in a professional environment, in France or abroad.

Under the guidance of an Internship Supervisor, the student must:

  • Formulate a problem or subject in a real context, position it within the context, and if possible, apply it to the different, appropriate levels (socio-economic, scientific, etc.).
  • Define objectives, create and implement a working method.
  • Exploit the obtained results so as to propose response elements and potential prospects. Implementing this project within the business/structure/laboratory will allow for the intern to discover the structure’s mode of operation and to execute associated, professional responsibilities.

This internship leads to the completion and defence of a Master’s thesis.

The Man-imal programme adds project management to scientific studies.

Each year, the Man-imal Master’s students aiming for the Master’s degree “From Animal to Man: Analysing and managing health and food risks” work on a tutored project. This project is a professionally-oriented exercise, in which students spend 3 months working closely for an organisation, a company or a laboratory in need of a scientific study on a specific issue.

The tutored project is supervised by research professors from complementary fields of expertise. Starting from 2015/2016, the Man-imal programme has added professional coaches for each group. Specialised in project management, our coaches support the students to organise the project as if they were already on a professional mission. Students will need to organise regular team meetings, fill out a dash board online and cooperate as complementary team members.

Our coaches and scientific tutors will also evaluate students according to the 360° review method, which consists of an individual auto-evaluation, group auto-evaluation and a peer evaluation. This methodology helps students to understand some of the standards used in the professional world and also helps them to keep on improving their projects with the permanent improvement cycle method.

With the project management course thus reinforced by personalised coaching, our students will be able to manage a project and a team with efficiency, trust and cooperation.

Full time

The Cross-Disciplinary Approach is ensured by:

  • A partnership between 4 renowned higher education institutions: Oniris (Veterinary public health, health and animal farming, food safety), Universities of Nantes and Angers (food and health, public health), ESA (agri-food, agriculture and sustainable system conception engineering)
  • A 5 month internship previously defined by the student and professors according to the student’s precise professional project
  • Interdisciplinary teaching built on 5 Teaching Units
  • The Multicultural Approach is ensured by:

The recruitment of students from all over the world.
The lectures taught entirely in English.
The practice training to professionalise students is guaranteed by:

  • Practical Tutored Projects in relation to the professional world
  • An active and customised pedagogy relying on the use of audiovisual and multimedia technologies in teaching
  • Courses taught by experts: Doctors, Veterinarians, Food-processing Engineers, Researchers, Experts, and Industrialists…

Individual and Group presentations and reports.

E-learning session evaluation.

Written exam.

What's next?

Level of education obtained after completion


Career opportunities

Business sectors

Private sector / Public sector

  • Consultants and experts for the Ministry of Health, health risk assessment agencies in France and in Europe, within food-processing and pharmaceutical companies, research and development offices...
  • Senior Level Scientist for the assessment and expertise of Health and Food Risks, within agricultural organisations, association of farmers, for national and international public and parapublic health organisations, or institutions taking part in Public Health Risk Assessment (EFSA, Anses, InVS, OIE, FAO...)...
  • Researchers in the field of Zoonosis, Human Nutrition, Animal and Human Health, R&D directors...


Tuition fee

The Man-Imal  Master's tuition fee is 3 770€ for non-European students enrolling for the first time in a university program in France and 243 € (*Fee likely to evolve according to the index of the current year) for European students.

Registration procedures

To apply for the Master’s degree, students must:

  • Hold a Bachelors’ degree
  • Have completed at least one year of postgraduate studies (60 ECTS) in:

- Pharmaceutical or biological sciences

- Medical studies

- Veterinary studies

- Food-processing or agricultural engineering

All applications are to be completed online and are reviewed by the Man-Imal Training Organisational Committee, with special attention placed on the quality of each candidate’s file, as well as the balance of the pluri-disciplinary group.
The applications for the 2021-2022 Academic Year are now opened.

14th April 2021 : Final deadline for application submissions and financial aid requests. All application files must be complete before submission

From 3rd to 7th May 2021 : Interview sessions

From 10th to 17th May 2021 : Notification of acceptance


Phone number +33 (0) 2 72 20 29 44

More information

Oniris, site de la Chantrerie
Route de Gachet
CS 40706
44307 NANTES Cedex 3

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Mis à jour le 25 February 2021.